I began working in the Web3 and Metaverse space in 2021. Narrator for a series of classes on blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Web3 development, I instantly became interested in the technology and possibilities.
I went on to work with companies developing different platforms for gaming, entertainment, and other functional uses of Web3 and the Metaverse, including The Imps, CyberGenie, and now Creatokia, as they work with author John Campbell for the Web3 release of his fantasy novel series "The Celestial Wars."
So what’s the big deal about Web3 and the eventual development of the Metaverse? To properly answer that we have to take a trip back in time and ask...
What was Web 1.0?
Remember Your dial-up AOL or Netscape account. It gave you the ability to peek into a worldwide web of content. Not interactive; it was more like magazine pages. Still, you could access a wealth of information on your little CRT screen.
Web 2.0 came next with countless new websites and marketplaces such as Amazon and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
During this time you became the product, as web giants harvested and sold your personal information. The Federal Trade Commission made Facebook pay a $5 billion fine in 2019 for using your privacy in this way.
The Metaverse is really just the next version of the web.
Web 3.0 will be decentralized, which means everyone can own and keep their data private. Platforms and apps built on Web 3.0 won’t be owned by a central gatekeeper, but rather by users like you.
Here is where the term NFT comes in. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Think of it as a membership card or even a trading card that allows you access to a community. Non-fungible means it is completely unique and can never be replicated. Only the holder can have that specific “card” or token. If you want to be part of a group of investors, you buy that kind of NFT or token. If you want to play a game in an online community, you buy that kind of token.
And of course, if you want members-only access to content created by your favorite musician, artist, or creator of any kind (like for instance the author of a series of fantasy novels, where everything happens in an elaborate universe, created from the mind of a visionary writer), then you buy that token.
The Metaverse is not even out of the womb. Sadly, like so many others, it looks like Creatokia has reached the end of its funding (for now), but I remain fascinated by the possibilities. One day, soon, John and I will find a creator's home in the Metaverse. We'll let you know when we get there.
Dan Johnson